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Art-Works & Co

" Beauty is perceived by the one who knows how to see it ."
                             Michael Angel

I like simplicity, to experience, to feel, to imagine, to shake up, to share ... My work is the extension of this observation and is part of a slow maturation which flourishes in music, always a source of inspiration, and thanks to unalterable friendships.


Painting becomes a second voice (not a simple way). The part of childhood plays a key role. We often owe him what we are with our strengths and our weaknesses, our joys, our sorrows and our voids, our imperfect construction. My work finds its anchoring in the footprints of the countries where I lived, between the islands of the Indian Ocean, the African continent, northern Europe, Great Britain. 

Here you will discover my work but also that of artist friends ...

Graphic arts - Photos - Music


In regards to

my work


My paintings, computer graphics, inks are mirrors of life, kinds of pieces of puzzles, each fragment of which reveals the thousand and one facets of my sensitivity. I like looking at life and the invisible, observing people, touching the intangible, capturing movements, looks, nourishing myself with beauty, accessing cracks, listening to the inaudible ... capturing details, crossing the thresholds of the imperceptible, seize me of the moment, of the stealth and transcribe them in a vibratile and modest way according to my emotions. Life is a daily source of inspiration. This fascination for living things remains intimately linked to my quest for the inaccessible.
Music is a second skin, it accompanies my moods and prolongs them. It guides my brushes, my palettes and often brings the final touch to what I express on my paintings or on the paper. It is language beyond language. She prolongs the words. Because words also have their place there, they relay the emotion, force the line, the initial.
My art is a sort of mental triptych, a three-dimensional space in which colors, sounds and scents respond to each other… where words revisit thought, transgress it, provoke it. They are as many echoes of memory and of the soul, between real and sublimated. My works are an invitation, an outstretched hand, a fragment of emotion, a sharing.

About my artwork

My paintings, graphics, inks are kind of mirrors of life, or "puzzle pieces". Each fragment reveals radiance that reality sometimes obscures and lifts the veil on the thousand and one facets of my sensitiveness. Every single human being is multi-faceted, unique and possesses a distinct heritage. I like to look at life and the invisible, to observe the people, to touch the untouchable, to capture movements, glances, to nourish myself with beauty, to access to tiny fissures, to listen to the inaudible ... to capture details, to cross the threshold of imperceptible life, seize the moment, its briefness… and portray them by means of the delicate or vibratile processes provided by emotions. Moments of life inspires me every day. This fascination for the living mingles with my passion for unattainable worlds and creates an artistic universe made of challenges and subliminal messages.


Music is like a second skin, it supports and extends my moods. It guides my brushes, my palettes and often brings the final touch to my expressions. It is a language beyond language. It gives the words some additional substance. Both relay deep emotions.



My art is a kind of mental triptych, a three-dimensional space in which color and sound and perfume speak to each others ... in which thoughts are revisited, transgressed and provoked with words. They all are echoes of memory and soul, between the real and sublime. My artwork is an invitation, an outstretched hand, a fragment of emotion, a sharing.



Inks - Paints - Computer graphics ...

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Certes, le voyage décrit dans la chanson fut long et douloureux mais, en filigrane, le message nous dit que notre but ultime est de garder le cap quoiqu'il advienne, de surmonter les obstacles, les épreuves, d’avoir foi en soi et d'aller toujours de l’avant avec espoir. Dans Storm, Minna affronte l'égoïsme humain, la cupidité et les abus. Ils peuvent se décliner de diverses manières par transposition. On y reconnaît parfois les êtres qui nous entourent et qui agissent principalement au nom de leur intérêt personnel, qui sont ego centrés, sans aucune empathie ou pitié, et qui très égoïstement restent totalement indifférents à la souffrance des autres. Car hélas, Homo homini lupus (l'homme est un loup pour l'homme). Cette citation latine n'est qu'un révélateur de la nature humaine, de notre façon d’être, de nos agissements qui, malheureusement, se perpétuent depuis plus de deux mille ans et l'actualité nous le rappelle hélas.

Ces différents constats sont abordés dans Storm. Cette perspective intergénérationnelle est traitée dès le début de la chanson, lorsque la mère de Minna récite un poème en finnois, écrit par la grand-mère de Minna, lui-même basé sur les expériences de sa famille pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Dès le début de la chanson, à l'instar de cette famille finlandaise, on appréhende l'histoire, la tristesse, les deuils, ressentis et vécus par la conscience collective. Le clip vidéo de Storm présente la lignée de Minna sur 5 générations. Le message pourrait être: tirerons-nous un jour les enseignements du passé ?

Pourtant, Minna et sa chanson ne veulent laisser place ni au pessimisme ni au cynisme : Entendez mon cri, écoutez-moi. Je ne vais pas me prosterner à vos pieds. Entendez-moi, surtout écoutez-moi. Je ne capitulerai pas, je ne céderai pas. 

Minna chante ces mots, sans agressivité, ni rancœur, ni haine ; elle affiche sa détermination et le fait avec toute la générosité de son coeur. Il faut avant tout retenir que les injustices ne sont jamais réparées par d’autres injustices. Storm est un petit bijou mis au service d’une forme de sagesse intérieure, quasi spirituelle !

One Rusty Band
  (I've got the devil)

Extract from the 2nd album "Voodoo queen" by One Rusty Band released September 20, 2019 !! Shot at the Etang de la Gruère in the Swiss Jura at minus 5 degrees ... We almost lost fingers and ear tips during filming! Thanks to Flavio for his courage and his images! song mastering: the one and only Globe Audio Mastering.

Minna Ora
 ( Gare à l'orage ! )

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Spirit Wind 



Eiffel aux Eurockeennes
 ( Eiffel Tu vois loin )



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